Inspiring the Barbarian in You through stories about Vigor, Wonder, and Fellowship

To survive and thrive, our ancestors (1) hunted and fought, (2) worshipped and created, and (3) loved and cooperated. For eons, man’s existence depended on these actions for survival. As a result, man evolved to feel incredible satisfaction from such actions.
When he hunted or fought,
he felt Vigor
When he created or worshipped,
he felt Wonder
When he loved or cooperated,
he felt Fellowship
This ancient equation of “do this” and “feel that” eventually baked itself into our genetic code – the same code we possess today. As a result, to feel the satisfaction our ancestors’ felt, we need to put down the phone and do (or at least mimic) what they did.
Instead of spearing mammoths, we can lift weights or run hills
Instead of ritual sacrifice, we can light a candle and read a dangerous book
Instead of marching to war, we can gather with friends
When we do things that invite more Vigor, Wonder, and Fellowship into our lives, we awaken the barbarian inside, ease our modern discontent, and begin to flourish as human beings – just as nature intended.
To flourish as human beings, we must become less modern and more ancient

You are not a tool for production
Nor a means for profit
Nor a pawn for government
Nor a drain for consumption
You are flesh and blood
You are free and wild
You are not a means to an end
You are the end
Just as we need food, water, and shelter to survive,
We need Vigor, Wonder, and Fellowship to thrive